如果你想将文档中的首字母进行排序,可以使用文字处理软件中的排序功能。在大多数文字处理软件中,可以通过选择文本并点击相应的功能来实现首字母排序。另外,还可以使用Excel等电子表格软件进行数据排序操作,方法是选择要排序的数据区域,并使用排序功能进行操作。无论是哪种方式,都能够快速准确地完成首字母排序操作。 excel本身就默认拼音序whatapp网页版安卓版官网列的操作如下:(20whatsapp安卓下载07版)
2、在“开始”选项卡的右边,“编辑”菜单中,选择菜单 “排序和筛选”-“自定义排序”
4、在“主要关键字”中选中 “品名”
6、点击“确定”完成排序。打开你的文档,按 Alt + F11 进入 VBE,在左侧的工程资源管理器中新建一个模块,将下列代码复制进去,按 F5 运行即可。
Sub test()Dim i, a, b, j, result As IntegerDim str As StringDim issure As Booleani = 1With ActiveDocumentDo While i < .Paragraphs.Countissure = Falsestr = .Paragraphs(i).Range.Textj = 1Do While j < Len(str)If Mid(str, j, 1) = " " Thenstr = Left(str, j -whatapp网页版怎么下载电脑版 1) & Right(str, Len(str) - j)Elsej = j + 1End IfLoopb = 1a = 0Do While a < Len(str)a = InStr(b, str, "A")If a = 0 Then Exit DoIf ((Mid(str, a - 1, 1) = "(") Or (Mid(str, a - 1, 1) = "(")) And ((Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")") Or (Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")")) Thenresult = 1issure = TrueElseb = a + 1End IfIf issure Then Exit DoLoopIf Not (issure) Thena = 0b = 1Do While a < Len(str)a = InStr(b, str, "B")If a = 0 Then Exit DoIf ((Mid(str, a -whatapp网页版语音通话失败 1, 1) = "("whatapp网页版有pc版吗) Or (Mid(str, a - 1, 1) = "(")) And ((Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")") Or (Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")")) Thenresult = 2issure = TrueElseb = a + 1End IfIf issure Then Exit DoLoopEnd IfIf Not (issure) Thena = 0b = 1Do While a < Len(str)a = InStr(b, str, "C")If a = 0 Then Exit DoIf ((Mid(str, a - 1, 1) = "(") Or (Mid(str, a whatsapp怎么迁移聊天记录- 1, 1) = "(")) And ((Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")") Or (Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")")) Thenresult = 3issure = TrueElseb = a + 1End IfIf issure Then Exit DoLoopEnd IfIf Not (issure) Thena = 0b = 1Do While a < Len(str)a = InStr(b, str, "D")If a = 0 Then Exit DoIf ((Mid(str, a - 1, 1) = "(") Or (Mid(str, a - 1, 1) = "(")) And ((Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")") Or (Mid(str, a + 1, 1) = ")")) Thenresult = 4issure = TrueElseb = a + 1End IfIf issure Then Exit DoLoopEnd IfIf issure ThenSelect Case resultCase 1.Paragraphs(i + 2).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 2).Range.Delete.Pwhatapp网页版手机怎么加好友aragraphs(i + 2).Range.DeleteCase 2.Paragraphs(whatsapp客户头像没有了i + 1).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 2).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 2).Range.DeleteCase 3.Paragraphs(i + 1).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 1).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 2).Range.DeleteCase 4.Paragraphs(i + 1).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 1).Range.Delete.Paragraphs(i + 1).Range.DeleteEnd Select.Paragraphs(i).Range.SelectSelection.MoveRight 1Selection.MoveLeft 1Selection.DeleteEnd Ifi = i + 1LoopEnd WithEnd Sub材料/工具:wps office 2016
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