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iPhone 12 Camera Settings with iOS 14: Adding Date Watermark
To add a date watermark to your photos on your iPhone 12 with iOS 14, follow these steps:
1. Open the Camera app on your phone.
2. Tap on the "Timer" icon to start a timer.
3. Once the timer counts down from three seconds, the camera will automatically take a photo.
4. Open the Phwhatsapp好友头像旁有个表盘whatsapp消息可以发,语音电话打不了otos app on your phone.
5. Select the photo you want to add a watermark to.
6. Tap on "Edit" to open the editing options.
7. Tap on "Add Filter" if you would like to use a filter before aWhatsApp网页版联通卡不能注册pplying the date watermark.
8. Tap on "Add Text" from the menu at the bottom of the screen.
9. Type "Date" into the text box and select the desired font style from the options provided.
10. Tap on "Done".
Note: If you would like to add more customization optionwhatsapp官网中文s for your date watermark, you can go to Settings > Privacy > Photos and make sure that "Deep Neural Networks for Image Processing" is enwhatsapp添加朋友abled for your device. This wwhatsapp商家版下载ill WhatsApp网页版登陆登陆不上去awhatsapp官方下载免费llow more advanced editing options within the Photos app.
With these steps, you should now be able to add a date watermwhatsapp注册ark to your photos using the iPhone 12 camera settings with iOS 14.

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