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# lofiadm
Block Device File
# man lofiadm
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Maintenance Commands lofiadm(1M)
lofiadm - administer files available as block devices
through lofi
/usr/sbin/lofiadm -a file [ device ]
/usr/sbin/lofiadm -d file | device
/whatsapp网页版电邮地址;usr/sbin&苹果手机找不到whatsapp网页版#47;lofiadm [ file | device ]
lofiadm administers lofi(7D), the loopback file driver.
lofi(7D) allows whatsapp网页版免登录无限制a file to be associated with a block device.
That file can then be accessed through the block device.
This is useful when the file contains an image of some
filesystem (such as a floppy or CD-ROM image), because the
block device can then be uwhatsapp网页版如何发动态sed with the normal system utili-
ties for mounting, checking or repairing filesystems. See
fsck(1M) and mount(1M).
Use lofiadm to add a whatsapp网页版手机端下载file as a loopback device, remove such
an association, or print information about the currentwhatsapp网页版客户端 asso-
The following options are supported:
-a file [device]
Add file as a block device.
If device is not specified, an available device is
If device is specified, lofiadm attemwhatsapp网页版怎样扫描二维码pts to assign it
to file. device must be awhatsapp网页版的apk下载vailwhatsapp网页版账号购买链接able or lofiadm will
fail. The ability to specify a device is provided for
use in scripts thawhatsapp网页版隐私t wish to re-establish a particular
set of associations.
-d file | device
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title Install Ubuntu
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kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/Ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso ro quiet splash locale=zh_CN.UTF-8
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.lz
//当然Ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso 应改成你下载的iso的名字
2. 修改Windows XP的boot.ini文件
在命令提示符下去WHATSAPP网页版下载什么输入法掉boot.ini的相关属性: attrib -s -h -r c:\boot.ini
然后编辑boot.ini在末尾添加: C:\grldr="install Ubuntu 10.10网页版WhatsApp网页版多开设置"
3. 将下载好的Ubuntu镜像文件直接放在C: ,将其中的.disk文件夹也解压至C:
4. 将Ubuntu镜像中casper目录下的initrd.lz和vmlinuz两个文件也解压至C:
5. 重新启动进入livecd模式安装
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1. 在安装过程的分区步骤中会有不能卸载/isodevice 的提示。所以在安装前请在命令窗口终端输入:
sudo umount -l /isodevice
2. 安装完后重启Windows XP启动项会丢失, Ubuntu 10.10使用的是grub2,只有你进入Ubuntu后在修改。
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